
Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about ordering


      Can I change my delivery address after I have placed my order?

      Can I change the date of delivery?

      Do you deliver to other countries too?

      Do you offer overseas delivery?

      How do I find out exactly when the goods will be delivered?

      How do you deliver and what happens if I’m not at home?

      Is it possible to have the tyres delivered to another, alternative address?

      We can deliver to any British address, be it to a customer’s home address or to any other alternative address such as a one of our fitting station partners.

      What happens if the courier company doesn’t deliver the tyres? Will you send me replacements?

      What happens if there is a delay in delivery?

      Where will the tyres be delivered to?

      Who will deliver the tyres?


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      mytyres.co.uk - an offer by Delticom AG